Upper Swan Bridge over the Swan Canal - at the Palace Embankment 9.20.2014
Translated from Russian Wikipedia:
Swan Canal (Swan channel) - Canal in St. Petersburg, linking the river Neva and Moika between Summer Garden (Island Summer Garden) and the Champs de Mars (1st Admiralty Island).
Dug between 1711-1719.
Name of the channel is due to the fact that in the XVIII century it moved swans from neighboring ponds.
In the years 1955-1956 the coast fortified granite banquets (architect L. Noskov, AD engineer Gutzeit), similar to those that were later built along the adjoining site Sinks. On the right bank of the Swan Canal, on the corner of the Palace Embankment of the Neva, is the former home of Betsky. On the left bank - stone terrace in the Summer Garden.
Geographical information
Length: 648 m. Average water flow: 1.4 m³ / s.
The Swan channel is spanned by two bridges:
Upper Swan Bridge - at the Palace Embankment (Верхний Лебяжий мост — по Дворцовой набережной)
Lower Swan Bridge - on the Moika Embankment (Нижний Лебяжий мост — по набережной Мойки)
Former home Betsky (now - Institute of Culture)
Summer Garden
Field of Mars
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