
125. Kantemirovsky Bridge across the Bolshaya Nevka River 9.24.2014

Kantemirovsky Bridge across the Bolshaya Nevka River 9.24.2014

Translated from Russian Wikipedia:
Kantemirovsky Bridge (КАНТЕМИРОВСКИЙ мост) crosses the Bolshaya Nevka River to connect the right bank of the Neva River with the Apothecary Island, linking the Vyborg and Petrograd districts of St. Petersburg. It is the most recently constructed drawbridge in St Petersburg. It is located at Kantemirovskaya street and connects Vyborg Embankment with the prospectus and Medics Aptekarskaya waterfront on Apothecary island.

The bridge is named for the eponymous street, in memory of the liberation from German occupation in December 1942, the train station Kantemirovka in the Voronezh region.

In the years 1817-1821 a pontoon transportation was built here which existed for a long time. A permanent bridge was built between 1979-1982 by project engineers BN Brudno, BB Levin and architect AV Govorkovskogo and VM Ivanov.

The bridge consists of five spans across the river, two spans over the embankment and two parts trestle, which are equipped with facilities for parking garages. The Bridge Scheme is: 57.0 + 75.0 + 33.3 + 75.0 + 57.0 m with a total length of 314.2 m (from the left-side and right-bank interchange at the intersection of Aptekarskaya and Vyborg embankments). Approaches to the bridge are in the form of ramps including culverts and embankment behind retaining walls. The length of the elevated sections of the ramps are 92.9 m, The length of embankments in retaining walls to the left bank of the ramp is 82 m and the right bank is 80.50 m. The overall length of the bridge with ramps (including trestle areas and embankments in retaining walls) is 664 m. The bridge width between handrails is 31.0 m., including a carriageway width of 24.5 m and two sidewalk widths of 3.0 m.

The stationary spans are in the form of metal welded continuous beams with curved shapes of the lower belt Scheme 57.0 + 75.0 + 7.3 m. The span length of 7.3 m are located entirely within the towers draw span, providing jamming of the respective ends of the main beams. Pinching is accomplished by anchoring the end consoles into a bridge support beam. In cross-section the fixed spans consist of four main beams of I-section, combined with an orthotropic slab roadway, longitudinal and cross-linked. The distance between the main beams is 9.75 + 8 + 9.75 m.

The draw span overlapped odnokrylym spans have an unfolding system with a fixed axis of rotation and is rigidly attached to a counterweight. In cross-section the draw span consists of four main beams with a curved bottom chord, a combined orthotropic slab roadway, and lower trailing links. The distance between the main beams is 8 + 9.5 + 8 m. In closed state it is a single split-beam.

The elevated part is a covered 5-transiting reinforced concrete continuous beam of constant height with reinforced concrete slab, included in the work of the main beams. The overpass part of garages consists of reinforced concrete retaining walls on pile foundation with backfill between them. The bridge abutments are massive, reinforced concrete for pile foundation, faced with granite.

The intermediate supports are lightweight, rack-type reinforced concrete on pile foundation, faced with granite. Four Poles on the draw span feature metal pyramidal towers each with 12 lamps. The overpass support is a lightweight type, reinforced concrete pile foundation without a lining.

There is asphalt coating on the permanent roadway and sidewalks spans and eposlanbetonnoe on the orthotropic plate and draw span. The coating on the roadway overpass and ramps is asphalt. The sidewalks have sand asphalt. The sidewalk is separated from the roadway by a metal fence type barrier.

The Metal fencing was designed by architect PA Arishevym. It is a simple design with metal rods of square section, which are interwoven in such a way that they create an unusual three-dimensional picture, not previously encountered in the practice of building bridges.

Concrete parapets, lined with granite, are installed on the viaducts and ramps. At the bridge entrance, there are massive rectangular tables, where there is a plaque with the name of the bridge. Granite staircases descend from each of the bridge's four sides to granite parapets.

Lighting fixtures are placed on the draw span, which is reinforced by 12 cylindrical luminaire, and metal poles with floor lamps and chandeliers of 3 fixtures are placed along the boardwalk.

Artistic lighting of the bridge began in 2002. 360 lighting fixtures were placed along the crossing. The bridge was additionally equipped with powerful spotlights. The work was carried out by specialists of "Lensvet" at a cost of 3.9 million rubles.

automobile, pedestrian
Type of construction:
Overall length:
312 m (with access ramps - 664 m, of which over a riverbed - 198 m)
Width of the bridge:
31 m
Maximum load:
H-30, SC-80, 400 kg / m²
Began Operation:
59 ° 58'42 "with. sh. 30 ° 19'18 "to. d. (G) (O) (I)

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