
108. Tuchkov Bridge across the Malaya Neva River 9.24.2014

Tuchkov Bridge across the Malaya Neva River (with the Petrovsky stadium in the background) 9.24.2014

Translated from Russian Wikipedia:
The Tuchkov Bridge (Тучков мост) is a trёhprolёtny drawbridge in St. Petersburg across the Malaya Neva connecting Bolshoi Prospect PS with Cadet and the first line of Vasilievsky Island.

The name of the bridge comes from the names of merchant Abraham Tuchkova:
"In 1758, the company merchants of four appealed to the Senate with a petition about giving them" a perpetual and hereditary content "of several bridges in St. Petersburg, while pledging to build a new bridge across Malaya Neva with Vasilevsky Island on the Petrograd side. Among them was a merchant Abraham Tuchkov, owner of the forest on the waterfront of the Little Neva. And this bridge was named for one of the companions of the contractor Abraham Tuchkova."

The first bridge on this site was built in 1758 in the frame of the Small Avenue Vasilevsky Island. This bridge was made out of wood and consisted of a pontoon in the deep part of the channel and the pile in shallow water. It had a length of 900 meters and was the longest bridge in St. Petersburg of the 18th century. At the time it was called the St. Nicholas Bridge.

Between 1833-1835 it was rebuilt and became a wooden mnogoprolёtnym bridge on pile supports, with an adjustable dvuhkrylym central span. The bridge was built in the alignment of the Grand Avenue St. Petersburg side to the device earth dam on the Little Neva to the future of Alexander Avenue (now Avenue Dobrolyubova). The adjustable span consisted of 4 wooden frames and was raised using hand winches. The roadway was made of wood, including dual boardwalks. Bridge railings were installed featuring artistic cast iron gratings with rectangular tables.

In 1839 Tuchkova bridge became the first bridge in Russia to use asphalt paving.

In 1870 the bridge was burned by unquenched cigarettes.

In 1920 the bridge was rebuilt.

In 1948 the wooden spans were replaced with metal. The wooden frames in the Razvodnaya span were replaced by metal and the hand winches were made electric. The re-built bascule span was on a wooden pile foundation with a rigid metal frame and a metal obstroykoy grillage.

By 1960 the bridge had 20 spans, one of which was a drawbridge and two for shipping. Its length is 257 m, and its width is 19 m. Levoberezhny stone abutment on the pile foundation supports a movable metal span, while the other wood, hammered-type supports were used for the pile foundation.

With the completion of the Volga-Baltic Canal in 1964, which replaced the outdated Mariinsky system, larger vessels entered the Neva river. Dimensions and load capacity of the bridge could not satisfy the requirements of land and water transport. Therefore, the question arose about reconstruction of the bridge.

In the years 1962-1965 the bridge was radically rebuilt by engineers "Lengiproinzhproject" VV Demchenko and BB Levine and by architects PAAresheva and LA Noskov. Tuchkov bridge acquired its modern look of a trёhprolёtny concrete bridge with a swing span in the middle.

The bridge was overhauled between 1997-1998 with replacement of pavement, the repair of orthotropic plate on a bill of divorcement, and the span of tramways.

In 2006 work on repair of fixed spans.

In 2008-2009, ​​repairs were made to the supports of the movable span.

The bridge's total length is 226.2 m (216 m between the granite foundations), and the width between railings is 36 m; the width of the carriageway is 28 m, and the width of sidewalks is 4 m. Constant spans are built in the form of a cantilever-beam system with a pendant in the middle. The spans are made of prestressed concrete. The lower belt consoles and suspended beams have curved shapes. In cross-section the Tuchkova bridge constant superstructure consists of 8 major box beams.

The adjustable span is a hydraulic Diptera unfolding system with a fixed axis of rotation with hard attachment counterweights. The opening angle of the wing is 69º. The spans are metal. It is a girder console system in the closed state.

The bridge abutments are massive, reinforced concrete for pile foundation, faced with granite.

The bridge roadway is paved with asphalt on the permanent spans and a reinforced concrete slab and a bill of divorcement t for the orthotropic. Sand asphalt is used on the sidewalks. The sidewalks are separated from the roadway on the permanent spans using granite curbs and metal in the span of divorcement.

The bridge railings are welded metal lattice with a simple design of rods square set at an angle and interwoven in such a way that they create an unusual three-dimensional picture all along the bridge. All 4 sides have granite parapets.

Stair slopes to the water, lined with granite are located on the approach to the bridge on the right bank of the waterfront with the horse side of the pavilion and the grass roots side of the Zhdanovka river.

The bridge lighting consists of metal tubular columns reinforced by one lamp.

Arkady Svidrigailov, the character from Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, spends the last night of his life looking into water of Malaya Neva from Tuchkov bridge. Anastasiya Chebotarevskaya, a writer and the wife of decadent early 20th century poet Fyodor Sologub, killed herself by jumping from the bridge.

automobile, pedestrian, tram
Main span:
49.8 m
Overall length:
226.2 m
Width of the bridge:
36 m
Maximum load:
H-30, SC-80, 400 kg / m²
1758 (floating)
1835 (wood on pile piers)
1920 (a wooden 20-span)
1948 (a metal girder)
1965 (current)
59 ° 56'56 "with. sh. 30 ° 17'08 "to. d. (G) (O) (I)

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